

  • Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Department of Computer Science
  • 61 Circle Drive, Edwardsville, IL
  • lwelsh@siue.edu

If you’d like a PDF version of my résumé, you can find it here.

Work Experience

At this point, I’ve been blessed to have been able to intern at a couple companies.

  • Northrop Grumman - Software Engineering Intern (Summer 2023)
    • What I learned: Agile/Scrum methodology, the dynamics of working on a team.
    • What I did: Document generation software with Visual Basic, data backup with Python
  • Walmart Global Tech - Software Engineering Intern (Summer 2024)
    • What I learned: TBD (I start there soon…)
    • What I did: Something with SRE (Site Relability Engineering)


If you’d like to see what I’m currently working on, feel free to give my GitHub profile a look.

Here’s a couple of my proudest acheievements (if I do say so myself…)

This is a sample text using the Chakra Petch font.

  • Webscraper-RACER.com (Spring 2024)
    • Python webscraper/summarizer of RACER.com news articles, using BeautifulSoup and OpenAI packages.
    • Input: Valid RACER.com news article
    • Output: Formatted, converted article in .txt format, as well as a concise summary of each article powered by OpenAI’s LLM.
  • Fruit Ninka (Fall/Winter 2023) fruit-ninka logo
    • Fruit Ninja clone/parody using Unity gameplay-image
  • Course Scheduling Website (Fall 2023)
    • Course scheduling website that runs locally on your PC.
    • Using PHP/CSS/small amounts of JS
    • Developed during my web development course. registration-ex